110 Point West Blvd
St. Charles, MO 63301
Assisting a buyer on a new home can be a challenge for a real estate agent and varies greatly from a typical resale inspection. The home buyer has high expectations of the finished product and those need to be managed. Navigating the relationship with the home builder takes an experienced approach with a different purchase agreement, timing milestones and general considerations. A knowledgeable real estate agent can help make this transaction easier by understanding the process and helping the buyer through the process with the home and the builder. A knowledgeable real estate agent can also help their client set reasonable expectations that can ease anxiety and help make the purchase of a new home the positive experience it should be.
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Help your buyers know what to expect from a new home
- Learn some of the considerations of new homes
- Understand the stages of construction
- Look at some of the typical problems that occur during construction
- Understand levels of quality control and workmanship standards
- Learn about life cycles of common components and appliances
Will is an active member in the community including three Realtor Board Associations, American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI). He works in Missouri and Illinois and holds numerous licenses and certifications for home inspections, radon measurements, sewer lateral line scopes, and other testing services in Missouri and Illinois.
ASHI Certified Inspector 248064 (ACI).
Certified Master Inspector (CPI) (CMI) through InterNACHI.
Illinois Home Inspector License 450011974.
Licensed Radon Measurement Professional RNI2018227 and member of the Midwest American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists.
Illinois Real Estate Continuing Education Instructor License 563.002377.
FAA Remote Pilot Certificate SUAS #4132724.
Carson Dunlop Weldon Commercial Building Inspection Certificate for Property Condition Assessments (PCA),
Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA).
He has a passion for continuous education for himself as well as helping others grow.
3.00 Credit Hours
Price: FREE (No Fee)
Having fully met the requirements of the Missouri Real Estate Commission, the following course has been approved for 3 continuing education credit hours. School ID #26700. Course Approval: 2670021098.
Preferred Systems, Inc.
1001 State Street, Suite 1400
Erie, PA 16501
Phone: 888-455-7437